Why is Lead Generation So Important for Basement Waterproofing Contractors?

Lead Generation for Basement Waterproofing Contractors

If you’re a waterproofing contractor you already know the importance of basement waterproofing to prevent flooding, foundation cracks, and mold and mildew growth. Failing to maintain your basement can lead to serious issues later on that can cost you a lot of money.

People every day are looking for your professional home maintenance services, but, as you know, sometimes it’s a challenge finding these homeowners and expanding your business reach to ready-to-convert leads. So how do you grow your business and find exclusive leads for your basement waterproofing services?

Let’s talk about how a professional lead generation agency can boost your business and help you reach the profit margins you’re looking for.

Experts in Basement Waterproofing Leads for Contractors


Is hiring a professional lead generation agency for your basement waterproofing company really worth it? What are the benefits of this?

Well, long story short, a professional lead gen company is experienced in getting businesses just like yours consistent, exclusive leads. They know what works and what doesn’t and can help you reach your business goals and bring in more work so you can focus solely on selling and converting! 

Growing your waterproofing business has never been easier with Sixty-Four Leads. We only work with one waterproofing company in any one service area to avoid giving two or more companies the same tired leads. Instead, you get 100% exclusive leads directly to your business.

How Do We Generate Waterproofing Leads?

Local SEO

So, how exactly do we generate these exclusive leads? Well, we normally focus on a few essential tactics that have proven true over time. The first is Local SEO. What’s this? It’s a search engine optimization strategy that helps local businesses reach the top positions in the search results on engines such as Google, Safari, and Firefox. This isn’t traditional SEO that has a national reach; it’s solely focused on your specific service area.

Local SEO involves many steps and factors such as keyword research, content writing, backlinks, and more. If you’re interested in learning more, we’re here to answer any of your questions! Go ahead and fill the form out here to get in touch.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising: Google Ads

We also use pay-per-click advertising with Google Ads to generate waterproofing leads. With this lead generation tactic, you pay for each click you receive on your ads. Our team has a system in place for your campaign settings to get you the most leads for your budget. And, we continue to monitor your campaign(s) performance and make adjustments as needed. 

Pay-Per-Lead Advertising: Local Services Ads


Local Services Ads is a great platform to help you get the maximum amount of waterproofing leads possible. This is a pay-per-lead system where you only pay if someone actually calls or messages you directly from your ad. This has proven very effective for many of our clients and has brought in a lot of warm leads that are ready to convert. 

Start Getting Basement Waterproofing Leads Today

Every day people are searching for basement waterproofing services just like yours, whether it’s for basement leak repair, foundation waterproofing, internal french drains, or basement crack repair. The hard part is getting your business in front of these leads and increasing brand awareness.

So, what are you waiting for? Grow your business and increase profit with a steady lead inflow with our team of lead generation experts! If you’re interested in applying, click here and fill out our form. We’d be happy to answer any questions you have.

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