Fencing Leads

You Deserve Exclusive Fence Repair and Installation Leads

exclusive lead generation

Campaign Building For Fencing Companies

We give your campaign the best chance to get you top results with our expert lead generation team. Our methods have been tried and proven. We optimize all settings and options to give you the best edge over your competitors.

high quality leads

Extensive Keyword Research

We have the data-based knowledge of what ranks and what doesn’t rank for optimal results. We do extensive keyword research specifically in the industry so that you can get the leads you are looking for!

guaranteed lead generation

First-Rate Tracking

We closely keep track of all of our clients’ progress and results from campaign creation onward. Our methods involve testing and tracking so that we know what works best for you! We make data-driven moves as needed to keep your campaign competitive every step of the way.

no contracts lead generation

No Long Term Contracts

Stay because you’re making money- not because of a contract. We won’t tie you down long-term

How We Get Fencing Leads

When someone needs fence repair or installation…

Where do they go? 

If they’re like most people, they go to Google and search for something like, “fence company near me”

We make sure YOUR business (not ours) shows up at the top of search results the moment someone is searching for fence repair or installation. 


With the power of Google Ads, which allows us to skip the line and start generating calls within a few days. 

Remember, these are people who are actively fence contractors. They’ve just told Google exactly what they need. 

You just need to get them on the phone. 

That’s where we come in. 

We make sure that your business shows up at the right time, in the right place AND that customers pick up the phone and call you. 

All you’ve got to do from there is close the job just like you normally would. 

Ready to get started?

Just click the button below to apply and let’s get you some leads. 

fencing lead generation

“Good leads at a good price.”

Mike C.

4 Seasons Fencing

Why Exclusive Leads Are Different.

What happens when a lead generation company only offers exclusive leads? 

Suddenly, instead of trying to send as many leads every fence contractor in a 50 mile radius that company is instead 100% invested on the ONE fence contractor that they’ve partnered with. 

Because if they’re partner isn’t happy, then they aren’t happy. 

After all, they don’t have 10 other contractors to fall back on who are all buying the same tired leads. 

We don’t like charging professionals for bad leads which means we aren’t very big fans of the shared lead model. 

It’s just not how we like to do business at Sixty-Four Leads. 

Instead, we prioriztize working ONE excellent fence contractor for any specific area. 

We prefer to think of you and your company as a partner and not just another lead buyer on a list. 

And we think that makes all the difference. 

So if you’d like to work with a real partner, click the button below and apply. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Fencing Lead Generation

How Much Do Fencing Leads Cost?

Your lead price will depend on your specific market. 

Our goal is always to get your lead price as low as possible but it’s important to realize that different markets will have different priced leads. 

For example, a busy metropolitan area with over 1 million people packed in will likely have a higher lead price compared to a rural area with a population less than 50,000. 

But either way, you should know this: 

Everything we do is backed by our lead generation guarantee. 

So regardless of your lead price, we guarantee that we’ll get you the leads you need to see results and returns. 

If we don’t, you simply don’t pay us. 

We’re one of the few companies that are actually willing to put their money where their mouth is. 

Sound like a win? 

Click here to apply and let’s start getting you some leads!

Do I Have To Sign A Contract?

No way.

We don’t have any need to lock you into some long term contract. 

The fact is, we want you to keep working with us because of the money you’re making and not because you signed a document locking you in. 

Do You Work With Any Contractor?

Because our business model depends on working with ONE fencing contractor per area we can’t work with just anyone. 

We need to work with GREAT fencing contractors. 

Here’s what we look for: 

  • You’re hungry for fencing leads. 
  • You have a marketing budget. 
  • You and your team have a high close rate. 
  • You provide amazing customer service and have referrals or reviews to back it up. 

You don’t have to be the BIGGEST company in your area but you have to be ready to take on new leads. 

If you just got your LLC yesterday then we might not be a good fit. 

But if you’ve got the right systems in place but you just need the leads…

Then we’d be a great match. 

All you need to do is click here to apply today

Are These Leads Commercial or Residential?

The majority of leads will be residential but there’s also a mix of commercial leads.

What Do I Have To Do?

You’re busy. 

You’ve got a business to run and jobs to complete. 

We get it. 

The last thing you want to is to babysit your marketing company with weekly meetings and constant questions. 

Good news. 

Once we take care of the initial onboarding call and intake information…

Everything else is hands-free for you. 

In short, you just do what you always do: answer the phone and provide high-quality service. 

We’ll handle the fencing leads. 

Are These Repair or Installation Leads?

We typically provide a mix of both fence repair and fence installation leads. 

    Fencing Lead Examples

    Wondering what kind of fencing work you can expect from these leads? 

    Check out these lead examples: 

    “I need about 10 feet replaced on our wooden fence. We also need the gate replaced, also wooden.”

    “We’ve got about 50 linear feet of chain link fence that was removed. I need the fence replaced but I’m wondering if vinyl is a better option. I need a quote for both.”

    “The storm damage took down my entire privacy fence. Need it replaced ASAP because the HOA is already on me.”

    “We need a small safety fence for our pool. Just small enough to keep pets and small children out. Can you give me idea on a price per foot for something like that?”

    “We need a fence and I’m not entirely sure if we’re going wooden or iron. We’re still getting permits in order but my wife and I want to get an idea of pricing. Can you give a price for each? Including a gate.”

    ‘We’ve had some kind of vandalism or something on our fence and need several sections replaced. How soon can you get some guys out here for an estimate?”

    “I’d like to get rid of my old wooden fence and replace it with a vinyl one. Are you able to remove the old fence and pull it out? Probably 30 linear feet”

    “We’ve got a piece of chain link fence that’s been cut. Probably a 3×3 section. Can you give me a quote on the repair?”

    What About A Guarantee?

    Yep, we’ve got one of those. 

    Most lead generation companies won’t touch the G-word with a 10 foot pole. 

    But we’re confident we can deliver and if we can’t then you don’t pay us. 

    It’s that simple. 

    How Many Fencing Leads Can You Send?

    That’s going to depend on a few major factors: 

    • How large is your service area? A larger service area means more people and more fences to repair and install. 
    • How large is your budget? If you’ve got less than $500 to spend on marketing we’re unlikely to generate much. Higher budgets mean more leads. 
    • How are your reviews? We make good fencing companies great. If you’re the worst-reviewed fencing company in a 100-mile radius were going to have some problems. 

    If you’ve got a good-sized service area, a real marketing budget, and high-quality reviews then we can deliver a lot of leads!


    When Will I See The First Lead?

    In most cases, we can get you the first lead within 14 days. From there, you can expect to see the lead volume steadily increase over time.  

    Why Choose You For Fencing Lead Generation?

    You’ve got a lot of options when it comes to lead generation. 

    But here’s what makes us difference: 

    Partnership instead of the race to the bottom

    With shared lead providers, you’re in a constant race to the bottom as you compete with every other competitor that’s getting the same leads. 

    With Sixty-Four Leads, you get exclusive leads sent directly to you. 

    The Return-on-Investment Guarantee

    Most lead generation services won’t even mention the word guarantee let along add one. 

    We do. 


    Again, it comes back to exclusive leads and real partnership. We work with reputable fencing contractors which means we can afford to offer a guarantee on our work. 

    Stack Your Lead Generation

    Lastly, consider whether or not you have to choose at all? 

    There’s no reason you can’t stack your lead generation and work with multiple companies. 

    Are The Fencing Leads Always Exclusive?

    We only offer exclusive leads- it’s just how we prefer to do business. 

    While it does mean that the over lead cost can be a little higher, it also means that the quality is much higher. 

    Higher quality means more jobs and more revenue. 

    Why are the leads higher quality?

    Because these are people who are calling your business. 

    Never ours. 

    How Can I Track Which Leads You Send?

    We utilize advanced call tracking software to record and track the calls we send to your business. 

    You’ll always know the number of calls we send.

    Not only that, but you’ll also have access to a dashboard where you can see the date, time, and access the recording. 

    Full transparency, all the time.

    Ready To Get Started?